Beckler Peak - Day Hike

Beckler Peak's highest elevation point is at 5063 ft with a 2263 ft elevation gain. On Saturday the 28th, we started out on the trail around 10:30 AM. The start of the trail is pretty wide and roomy, but that doesn't last long. Just when it starts to feel like the hike is getting pretty intense you come to a wide opening that gives you a view of the beautifully surrounding mountains. Taking a break at this point revives you to keep trucking on, up the mountain. The weather was absolutely perfect for this hike. The sun was shining and it was perfect for shorts and a tank. We ran into a few snow patches near the top but nothing that required gators or pants. Once we reached the top of the peak there were 360 views of the surrounding area. Absolutely breathtaking! We cracked a beer and enjoyed. I could have sat there all day. There was a family that made it to the top and one of them was wearing a University of Michigan t-shirt. Happy to see Michigan represent at 5063 feet in Washington. Since we only had one beer to share between 3 of us, we got pretty thirsty for more and decided to head back down for beer and burgers. On the way down we had some fun with snowballs fights and building snowmen. Check out the fotos: 

Hope you weekend was as amazing as mine!

My brother from another mother (jesse) and I at the top of Beckler Peak.

Top of the peak

jazz hands are always acceptable in nature.

one of the views on the way up.

chugging beer, dino-style.

this makes me happy.

path on the way to the top of the peak.

our snowman, johnny 4-balls.

stoned sperm whale. 

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